I love people and I hate cancer and suffering. A cancer patient's life in Tanzania, Brazil, Colombia, or Myanmar is just as precious and valuable as a cancer patient's life in Tampa, Richmond, or San Fransisco.
I've thought about this long and hard and I have registered as a for-profit company with the IRS. My company is loosely patterned after Mark Cuban and Dr. Oshmyansky's Costplusdrugs.com. I feel that I would be at a disadvantage against for-profit companies if I couldn't spend money to hire and retain the best people. I currently do not take a salary or any distribution from the company.
We are blessed in the US to have many, sometimes competing, health care systems that provide excellent care to all people in our country, including non-citizens. Every health system I have worked in (thank you UPMC, Baycare and VCU) has provided complete cancer care without regard to cost and without significant delay. While I'm not pleased with the price of some of the treatments here in the US, the regulatory requirements are such that I do not have the time, resources or expertise to operate and compete in the US. To put it another way, the US doesn't currently need help and they have enough resources.
Production of pharmaceutical grade drugs requires clean rooms, armies of chemists, technicians, lawyers, and others. I feel the manufacturers do a great job. I am concerned that the profit margin that distributors have both domestically and internationally is too high and I would like to provide the lowest cost generic drugs that I can by having a very low overhead and very low operating budget.
No, I don't need donations. I am running a for profit company so the proceeds pay for my costs. If you have money that you want to donate to a cancer center in a low resource country, please consider donating to this hospital.
My company doesn't need a corporate jet. Or a lavish Christmas party. Or a commercial building in Manhattan and Zurich. We are lean.
Terms are 50% on order, 50% on delivery. Payment is by ACH in US dollars to my US bank, or payment in foreign currency to my account at HSBC at their exchange rate