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Bruce Hough, MD

I graduated from the University of Florida with an undergraduate liberal arts degree, then I went to medical school at The University of South Florida and did my residency and fellowship at UPMC, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Several years ago, I spent a week as part of an ASH, American Society of Hematology, sponsored program in Tanzania. This program was designed to have US physicians share knowledge with physicians from low resource countries. I quickly came to realize that the doctors there were as smart if not smarter than me, but they did not have the tools to treat some of their sickest patients, including a consistent supply of chemotherapy.

When I came home from Tanzania, I tried to figure out how I could ship generic drugs for curable conditions like Hodgkin's lymphoma or testicular cancer to these countries, but I encountered too many hurdles.

Recently, I met with a friend who is an international logistics expert and after we talked about this problem, he had new insights into how this might be done. This got me to reading more about the requirements of drug storage and what if any potency is lost over what period of time. It turns out there are likley hundreds of possible solutions between doing everything and doing nothing for our vulnerable patients in the developing world and that is what my company is founded on--problem solving using common sense and low profit margins to help sick cancer patients internationally. I now work as a lymphoma specialist at Virginia Commonwealth University/Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center in Richmond, VA

What we offer: High quality, pharmaceutical grade generic chemotherapy delivered, email access to a US Hematology/Oncology physician for clinical/procedural questions, onsite meeting in your country if need be with local leaders.