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Low cost chemo

We are an international (excluding the US) distributor of generic chemotherapy to low resource countries using low profit margins to provide as much curative-intent chemotherapy as possible to underprivileged patients.

Most of the world's population is treated by publicy funded cancer clinics and hospitals. These hospitals are often limited by the cost of treatment, even cancer treatments that can be potentially curative. While some cancer treatments prolong life, others can cure young people with a limited number of cycles. However, if the doses are not given consistently and with care, the opportunity for cure is lost. Hodgkin's lymphoma and testicular lymphoma are cancers that affect young people, but can be cured even at advanced stages. In all countries, health systems have to make tough decisions sometimes about who gets care. While rationing of care is a hotly debated topic, all agree that curative intent chemotherapy for young people is a highly valued medical outcome and resources should be diverted to those patients.

Our company is interested in partnering with international public cancer hospitals to pilot studies to improve outcomes in Hodgkin's and testicular cancer with the creative use of available generic medication. If you are interested, please see this research document, or feel free to email me directly at:


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